Kingbright is pleased to announce a strategic licensing agreement with NIMS (National Institute for Materials Science) for S/CASN phosphor technology.
S/CASN phosphor represents a significant advancement in phosphor materials, boasting superior red color, and chemical stability. The unique properties of S/CASN phosphor have made it valuable in enhancing the efficiency and color quality of lighting and display systems.
As part of the licensing agreement, Kingbright has acquired the rights to utilize NIMS patented S/CASN phosphor technology in its LED devices.
Licensed Patents
Patent No. | Country | Patent No. | Country | Patent No. | Country |
3837588 | Japan | I-625379 | Taiwan | KR101471883B | Korea |
KR100816693B | Korea | I697544 | Taiwan | US8,801,970 | USA |
KR100969836B | Korea | US7,573,190 | USA | I-433908 | Taiwan |
KR101173450B | Korea | US8,148,887 | USA | I-597348 | Taiwan |
KR101624390B | Korea | KR101174629B | Korea | I-522446 | Taiwan |
KR102055115B | Korea | KR101204413B | Korea | 5046223 | Japan |
ZL200480040967.7 | China | ZL200580005112.5 | China | 5481641 | Japan |
ZL201110066207.5 | China | 112005000396 | Germany | EP1887067B | Germany |
ZL201110066517.7 | China | I-278128 | Taiwan | US8,206,611 | USA |
ZL200710199440.4 | China | 5130639 | Japan | US8,703,019 | USA |
EP1696016B | Germany | 5403134 | Japan | KR101324004B | Korea |
EP2574652B | Germany | 5239182 | Japan | ZL200680017011.4 | China |
US10,072,207 | USA | ZL200680015862.5 | China | I-475093 | Taiwan |
US11084980 | USA | ZL201310188892.8 | China | US8,460,580 | USA |
11697765B2 | USA | ZL201580042214.8 | China | 6645429 | Japan |
I-317755 | Taiwan | KR101241488B | Korea | US9,969,933 | USA |
I-555825 | Taiwan | KR101346580B | Korea |
| |
I-510600 | Taiwan | KR101422046B | Korea |